Annotating Contents Page 1
The masthead is on the left corner and is in red to keep the brands identity.
The 'Band Index' is on the left and is in a color of red that stands out and represents danger as well as love, red has connotations of different pragmatics. The page numbers are close by and makes the layout clearer for the audience to read, the page numbers are in black while the famous brands helps the reader to know what will be the magazine 'muse'.
The white subheadings behind the black background stand out, the subheadings are at the right hand side of the page. The subheadings are in capitals and the articles in the contents page are in black,so it makes it easier to identify the articles as the colors are specified. The variety music genre's that target a wider audience for 'this week'.
The subscription offer is in yellow, which suggests it's a good,joyful deal and it's a eye catching deal as the offer stands out as yellow is a bright color. It offers to 'subscribe' which suggests it'll be cheaper, by advertising this it gets the audience wanting to read on for more deals. There is a website 'MAGAZINESDIRECT.COM/NMEPLUG to make the ordering quick. The big black box gives the reader time and focus to read.
The photo's are long shots and stand out with the red lighting that's in the background as it gives a preview that the information in the magazine will bring many facts to light.
Two image's are used which suggest's a foresight of the double page spread.
The big band 'Everyone got on' is a selling pint fir the magazine as the way it is central gives it importance and eye gazing right, it makes the audience think that there will be other bands in the magazine,so it makes the audience read along.
The layout of the page is very clear as it's been split up into some sections, it works as it allows the reader to navigate through the magazine easily and it's suitable to the audience of 20 and above, as they want to waste time by reading magazines.
Annotating of Contents Page 2
This music contents page is an image of a girl in the background. The cover lines have 2 spaces in between, the typography is in capitals, the black writing makes the purple background stand out as it gives it a bright look with the purple.
There are a few stripes on the left hand side of the contents page, the stripes are black like the text in the cover lines, the stripes stand out against the white background in the title of 'Contents Page' that has used two colors in the title , used blue and purple, blue is a male color as the media and norms tell us, while purple is a stereotypical female's color.
The title is at the top and is placed in the middle of the page,so the title has importance. The mise en scene of the magazine is a female with her hair open as she is smiling to keep up the representation of the contents page, so people are interested to read. The female has make up on as every female where's make up as it's shown in the media to make you look prettier and attractive, the media uses certain make up to advertise as a consumer product. Her eyeliner is thick as the black text used, so the picture links in with the text, it's multi modal.
Annotating of Contents Page 3
There are main cover lines used on the contents page, as every magazine uses cover lines. Main cover lines are used so the sections are categorized and it makes it easier to read for the audience.
'NME' is used as an logo to the music magazine, for the magazine it's a title that is there to serve a purpose to remind the audience what they're reading. It says 'THIS WEEK' to show the issue you have. The typography is in capitals as most posters and magazines are in capitals.
The central image is of 2 men, one which is 'Kasabian' according to the anchorage text. The picture suggests that in this magazine you will find out gossip that is from behind the scenes, gossip that you wouldn't usually find as the picture doesn't look Photoshop.
Colored text is used for the page numbers, so it stands out to the audience so they can turn to the page of there interest. Bold text is used for the titles for the cover lines as the smaller text explains the content of each article featured, so it makes it easier to identify what to read.
The use of the graphical features make the magazine entitled to the younger generation as older people wouldn't expect arrows to be in a page, the use of the arrows gives the magazine a modern look. The use of red suggests a stop sign in a traffic situation, suggesting stop and read. The graphology features help entice an audience to read along.
The advertising of 'subscribe today' appeals to readers as they may want to purchase a magazine after reading it once. The use of yellow and black suggest danger, however yellow does have connotations of cowardice, but in this context it's joy on saving money however the black contradicts with the text as it's a good thing to buy a subscription to save money as it says 'save over £45'.
NME has stuck to the use of four colors unlike the 'Q' magazine that uses 3 colors. NME uses the four colors of
Black is used as a dark sinister color, used as a background, so a lighter font is used to make the text recognizable.
White is used for innocence,used to make the text stand out against the black masthead.
Red is used to symbolize danger and love, here it is used to symbolize a deal.
Yellow, it's used to make the page look interesting and joyful.
4TH Annotated Magazine
The fourth magazine I will be annotating is the gray scaled magazine as the title and layout looks different, so I want to annotate to see what features the magazine contents uses.
The background uses a grey scale color scheme and is monochromatic(BLACK,WHITE,silver and grey) while the red heart stands out as it's the original color is red, from the mysterious hand behind kanye's back. The red draws attention as it's a heart in red, red connotes love and it suggests it will be on kanye's love life as the heart is on him. The grey correlates with kanye's grey suit and it looks desirable due to the grey undertakes of silver. However 'Vibe magazine' uses less writing and it's there style to lack information and they focus on the graphology more as well as textures. The mise en scene of kanye suggests the magazine isn't just about music but it's also up to date on it's fashion of the modern world. It anchors a message that the Vibe Magazine does culture and art as well as fashion with celebrities.
The main feature is of kanye West as he is at the front of the page, his fame is due to him being an celebrity, there is lack of information on this contents page as the information is towards the bottom of the page. The background is plain and brings the main focus on the reader to the foreground. The letter 'V' is half shown in the magazine and it's portrayed like this so it's identified as an 'Vibe' magazine as it's the magazines brand.
The audience will be Kanye West fans who are interested in knowing news on him and his personal life.
The title 'Contents' is in capitals and it's in a bold striking black color, black has connotations of being secretive an dark, so it suggests the information on Kanye will be striking. The magazine is iconic as it allows 'Contents' to be presented in a different way to carry on to the spread.
The layout of the page makes it readable as it gives a preview of what will be in the magazine. The graphology suggests it will be on kanye West and the heart symbolizes his feelings.
It's easier to catch the eye of the audience on a plain background, Vibe used a basic background, so Kanye will stand out as some readers will read it as he is on the cover. The fonts used for the different sections makes the page look formal and suggests different topics with the different fonts.
5TH Annotated Magazine
The large bold font of 'CONTENTS' is in capital letters and makes it the purpose of the page being produced. The biggest typography is 'CONTENTS', so it has importance and is the main focus.
The image of the band is the main focus as it's a extreme long shot, the image and text are multi modal as the image has been explained with some text to show who the image is representing in the magazine. The number '38' is used towards the bottom of the image, the red font makes the number stand out, red has connotations of love, danger and a good value for money. The two images used make the page looked structured as both images are of different sizes, however both make the contents, so are important.The white font contrasts with the black masthead and it stands out, the masthead includes a issue and date 'October 2008'. The masthead also includes a website that it advertises.
Brief information is given to the left hand side of the page as it says 'features' and explains what will be in each page, so it's aimed at a mass media so the audience can read any page of their preference. The red, black and white color scheme is used as 'Q' magazine uses those colours to keep their prestige, it makes it look professional. However the color gold is used for 'OASIS SPECIAL' and the color emphasizes diversity and makes the section look rare, it makes the appearance look 'Special' and links in with 'OASIS SPECIAL'.
The page lists four different categories and makes it much easier for the audience to find the pages that they are interested in.
The brand logo 'Q' magazine is at the top left corner and adhere's to the magazines prestige that it upholds, the brand has quality as well as the title 'CONTENTS' as they are both on the same masthead as well as the website and issue number.
The smaller image makes the 'review' section more worth while to look at, as it makes the look attractive as the man stands solo.
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