Annotating Double Spread Sheet 1
I annotated this double spread to see which conventions a double spread uses. This double spread is from NME, I chose to annotate it as I have chosen to do NME for my magazine, Contents and Double spread.
The central image dominates a full page, it suggests it's importance. The biggest typography on that page is 'RADAR' which is in a masculine blue colour which links in with the boy band. It is aimed at both genders as the main heading states 'THE TEENAGERS', so the readers know what the article is on, however the background of the title is in blue, refers to males as an audience. After the title there is a stand first, overall their is a sky blue theme, the colour highlights the main area's of the spread such as the title and quotes.
The style of the magazine is very colourful and they use the same style of font over the spread but use the font in different sizes and use bold for main headings and important text, there is a drop capital- so 'T' is bold and in a capital which makes it stand out as it's a bigger size in font and it grabs the audience's attention to read along. Bold fonts suggests important information.
On the other page the text dominates with four of the smaller images, however the central image takes the attention of the audience due to it's big size.
The image is very relaxing of 3 men relaxing and links in with 'The Teenagers' as there is a stereotype on some teenagers being lazy as they are always represented in the media in a negative way, they are shown to have murder, do drugs and steal.
In black there is a spiky circle that states 'NME loves', this will persuade the teenagers to read on as NME is a professional company that 'Loves' them which suggests the magazine is recommending them to read.
The blue note puts further some features of the band, it states 'Need to know' which draws attention to the audience even though it is placed in the corner as it's in a bright masculine blue colour and the title 'RADAR' is in block capitals and is also in the top left corner, it's their to let the audience know what they're are reading.
The article on a whole seems to be very cramped between the central image and the text with the black background however is still read by teenagers who like to read. The colour white is used in the plain black text which contrasts between pure innocence and a sinister/ edgy colour - both the colours of white and black have many different connotations. The use of black as a background separates it from the rest of the article, black and white help the article stand out from the bright blue.
The double spread follows the conventions of a normal spread where there is a big central image and the text goes on the right hand page, however the double page spread of Nicki Minaj is the opposite and doesn't follow the conventions of a spread as her image is on the right while The teenagers is on the left.
The image is off 3 stereotypical boys who are slouching on the bed and have women's photos behind them , the picture of the 3 boys could be aimed at one gender, which is males as they keep girl's photo.
Annotating Double Page Spread 2
The colour scheme of the magazine is mainly pink which suggests femininity, pink has connotations of being vulnerable as their is a stereotype of women being inferior to a man. The colour suggests the artist Nicki is completely feminine, the colour shows how young she is and how she appeals to a younger audience as girls like the stereotypical colour pinkthis . The black in her costume and the typography 'THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO' contradicts the pink as black is a edgy,dark colour, in Nicki Minaj is case the black suggests her fame and bling as she wears a big ring. Her make up is like a barbie doll and the colour of her lips tie in with the colour scheme of pink.
Lightning is used on her face to achieve her glamorous model look, it looks like a flawless look and she looks young like any other teen, the media representing her like this suggests young girl's must put on pink lipstick and have a certain figure. The image and pink colour put a tone to Nicki's voice. The image is a mid shot that shows the artists features.
The quote's said by Nicki are highlighted in the feminine pink colour, the typography of the quotes is in a bigger font which suggests key highlights and the important parts of the spread, it's been highlighted so it catches the eye of the audience, also so it's read first and it tags the reader to read along. The quotes get the audience to know what the audience is about. The masthead and image fit in with the symmetry and the article is spread out equally on both pages. However this double page spread has gone against the conventions of a spread as there is negative space above at the top of the article.
There is no information on other bands, the whole of the double spread is on Nicki, it suggests how important she is. There is no brand logo which suggests her image is enough to get the double page spread selling. The article follows the Gutenberg style as the masthead is placed in it's primary area.
The font is small and links in to her petite image as she looks very slim, the spread is a simple question and answer format, this makes it easier to follow and it keeps the audience tagged in to read. The layout of the text is in small paragraphs, it's formally laid out and it appeals to the audience who wouldn't want to read to much. The small writing suggests it's less to read, so people will read on.
The biggest typography on the double page spread is 'NICKI MINAJ' which suggests that it's the main focus of the spread. The heading is placed on the left.The masthead of 'The gospel' is above Nicki minaj's title as the black font previews the spread, it's in a posh curly font which adhere's to her posh status. 'gospel' suggests she has some sort of religious belief, suggests she is holy Her name being the biggest suggests her importance.
The use of bright pinks and bold patterns establish the artist and relates to her album 'Pink Friday', it's her individual style that's represented. The image shows her crazy personality and the new perspective of hip hop. It suggests women these days have the right to express there view and themselves as women are always portrayed to be in need of rescuing from a man (male gaze theory). Nicki dominates the spread and she is positioned off center.
The text is set up as the 10 commandments and links in with 'GOSPEL' and 'Thou shalt'. There is use of slang such as the word 'gonna', however you would expect more slang as it's Nicki's spread whereas the language on the page is formal as religious people as the audience won't like swears in the spread, in the genre of music usually slang and swears is usually seen. The text frames Nicki as she is almost at the center of the page.
To conclude, the Nicki Minaj double page spread creates a fashionable vibe, hence pink and pale colors are used.
Annotating Double Page spread 3
Lilly allen is presented at the right of the page and takes up the whole of the page with her unstylish outfit as she is represented in the media to be rebellious and this is shown with her tattoo on her wrist, she makes a connection with her audience to buy the magazine as she looks directly into the audience. The image shoes the audience who they will be reading about. The make up relates to the main colours used in the double page spread that is red,black and white. The image is very natural and she is dressed like normal teens, so she relates to them through the mise en scene. She is dressed in a checked shirt, so it persuades people to read it as some dress in clothes like Lilly wears.
The title is a quote from Lilly and is spread across the page The news paper looks like a criminal typing as if it's being clipped, it again suggests her being rebellious and strikes her opponents with the use of the red colour as red has connotations of love, however in this case it suggests danger and a beware sign, also has connotations of stopping like a traffic signal. The title is disjointed and uneven like the image hovering over 2 pages. There is a drop capital 'I' and attracts the audience to read.
A mid shot is used of Lilly to capture the top half of her body, her hands on her hips suggests she has attitude and is very outspoken as she call herself 'honest' which suggests she self praises herself.
The text is easy to read and uses slang to go with her reckless attitude, they use slang as the spread is aimed at teenagers who use colloquial language. The language used relates to the artist as she uses slang, so the audience relate to her.
The white background looks very plain however the red and black stand out, the white suggests purity and innocence as she says she is 'honest'. The organised text makes it appealing to read. The quote is very appealing as many people will want to now about Lilly as they have heard of her through the representation of the media, the quote is topical. The font of the quote is different, so people will want to read it.
The writing in red suggests importance as Lilly Allen's name is in red, the colour red suggests she is fierce. There is a reference on the left side of the page, the reference is in small writing and goes diagonal down, it suggests it's less important in contrast to Lilly's big image that takes the whole page and her arm takes over some of the page on the left. The font 'I'm an' goes along the page where Lilly's image is, which suggests she dominates her talk as well as where she has her positioning and body language.The dark eyeliner eyes suggests her individuality.
There are page numbers in the corner of the page '26', this is so the reader can easily find what they are looking for. Overall the magazine doesn't follow the conventions of a magazine as a image is usually on the left of the page and the image shouldn't take up a whole page, however this spread does because it's aimed at teenagers who break rules, so they break the conventions so they can relate to the audience and this makes the spread sell. It also breaks the conventions as the date of when the spread is published is at the bottom of the left page '24 January 2009', the date should be at the top.
'NME' is also in red at the bottom of the left page which suggests importance as it's in red however the brands name is brought down as it's at the bottom. The text isn't that big so it makes it difficult to read, so the audience may not find it appealing.
The lettering is bold and suggests the celebrity is confident. The background colour is white and it looks good as white as the rest of the colours like the red and black wouldn't stand out with to much colours, having a range of colours will take the attention away from the celebrity. The gaze theory is being used to draw the audience in.
The subtitle is in a different font, changing the colour of the sub title for Lilly entices the reader to view the spread, the colour red stands out against the white and black text around it.
The big bold heading of 'USA' takes over the two pages and it's in a grey scale. the title in the background allows the celebrity to stand out as the black is a dark edgy colour that stands against the red that suggests love and sexual connotations. 'Got the love' is in a fancy font that will attract some to read as it has a seductive style. There are different fonts used to show what the story is about. The image is from the band called Florence and the machine. She is looking straight at the audience,so it makes them want to read as she looks directly into the camera creating synthetic personalisation(making a fake relationship with the audience - discovered by Fairclough).
The headline is shown above the article and is in black so it stands out and links in with the celebrities dress that she wears. The article is written in column on the right hand side of the page. The text is black on a grey background, this makes it easier for the reader to view the story easily. There is a intro informing readers what the article is about. The use of the drop capital 'D' is a fancy font which makes it look enjoyable to read and attracts the male readers to read about her as there is a long shot of her that takes up the whole of the left page.
There is 3 columns in the layout as the audience will not like to read big chunks of text. Florence is in a domineering position as she is sitting down which makes her look quite powerful and she wears powerful colours that dominate as red and black are strong colours that adhere to danger.
The title matches the celebrity and her elegance. NME has kept to their normal house colours of red however have the odd blue whilst saying her name 'Florence' which suggests she has a strong personality as blue has connotations of masculinity and stereotypes for it on being a male colour as women are through to have pink as it's a inferior colour due to adhered stereotypes.
They have matched the colour scheme with Florence's wear and hair colour. They have stuck to red, black and grey which links to the USA flag and this links to the article as it's about Florence making it in America. The headline is 'USA got the love' as her article is trying to make it in America. They use this headline as her hit single was 'You got the love', they use the sans serif font to fit in with the colour scheme of the black font.
The font is formal and fits in with the layout as it's all in one colour and easy to read. This may put the audience of as they are youngsters who don't want to read much and there is only one picture which fits the conventions of a spread with one big picture on the left. She is sitting on what appears to be an American flag, this links to the content of the story. People tend to read from left to right, so they view the image first. The USA title starts from the left towards the right, it gives a direction to the reader to start reading from left to right.
It says Florence is '2009's Biggest Success Story' and it presents her to have America at her feet, it suggests the makers of the spread thought hard to giver her this look ,it connects to the story, creates a powerful, striking image. The subtitle '2009' let's the audience know they have the spread that matches their time period, 'Success' makes the audience want to read on to know what made her the 'Biggest'.
There is a rhetorical question used after the USA typography, the rhetorical question is used by the bottom of the 'A'. The rhetorical question is used so the reader read on to find a answer, as some will want to know the answer after reading the question, it's aimed at teenagers so they'll want to read as they want to know answers.
America's flag is linked with Florence's hair, this is done as the reader reads from the top to the bottom where the flag is placed.
America's flag is linked with Florence's hair, this is done as the reader reads from the top to the bottom where the flag is placed.
Annotating 5TH Spread
The central image takes over more then one page - it's the most dominant part of the page, the image reinforces their genre of the 80's, the band members have the old school look and it reinforces their genre. The image alone suggests they don't need much text to persuade people to read as they are a popular band that sell the spread with their image.
The band gives direct address to the readers as they look forward in to the camera, the important person is at the front as he crouches while the rest are stood up showing their domineering attitude to the way they are positioned. He his also at the front as the audience may recognize him then the other band members. The image makes the article known to the audience.
The title is of the band name 'The Vaccines' and the audience automatically know what the spread is about as the image is on the spread to reinforce the context. The use of the guitars gives an insight to there genre as it looks like they do rock. The guitars create a 90's look overall. The subheading gives information about the band and describes it as 'The biggest Guitar Band of 2011', the 'biggest' is used so people buy it as they will be part of the biggest guitar band, this links in with the guitar in the image as it says 'Guitar Band'.
There are conventions of a double spread as the first letter of each paragraph uses a drop capital to entice the audience, the drop capitals are in blue and link in with the blue colour scheme. Blue is used to show the masculine stereotypical colour as it's a boy band on the spread.
There is a pull quote used in blue typography, it's used to break up the text and is in a different colour so it stands out to the audience, so it's easily read. The image uses gritty colours to show it's from another era, they are dressed in clothes that are from previous generations and it would appeal to a selected audience as these clothes are becoming fashionable again. 'we are a pop band' has been taken from the article, this is so the audience read the article. 'Justin Young' has been placed under the pull quote and it has been put in a bold font, this is so it's seen by the audience as he is the one with the popularity as he is seen in the image first. The name is written so the audience know who it is form.
The colours that are used are dull coffee brown colours as well as a dull red that suggest the era of the 80's and 90's. The red on the t shirt of the man crouched suggests passion and love of the music as they still play it in this pre modern age. Red suggests love for the band members and passion for the genre they play.
The use of large font is of that from a book,it gives the article a story look which will appeal to NME's target audience. The blue letters contrast with the black text as black is a dark colour and blue is a bright masculine colour. The large font has the purpose of grabbing the attention of the audience as it makes it easier to read. The large font allows them to read the first sentence, then this get's them to read the rest of the text that's in a smaller font as they will want to know the rest of the article.
The article sticks to less writing as NME's audience will rather look at pictures, that's why the picture takes up 3 quarters of the page.
The editors name has also been written in blue 'Jamie', it's written in blue as he is a male and refers to the stereotypical masculine colour. The use of blue suggests he is physically strong as blue has connotations of calmness and a light colour. NME's readers will know he is the editor if they often read it, most people will read it if it's written by 'Jamie' that's why they have included his name.
The audience is 13 - 25 and is mostly aimed at males and some females. The colour scheme is grey, white and blue, while the font is black. This contrasts with the grey tinted image of the band. The pages are laid out in 3 columns on the right page and this gives it a professional look. It's a medium close up of the band members that appears to be informal.
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